Happy Birthday Wishes To A Pastor Of Dominion City Church. Best Man Of The Year.

Today is my Pastor Birthday "Pastor Obum Ani" when I found out that he was born on October i said to myself no wonder cause truly October products are really the best.

Birthday Wishes To Pastor Obum Ani

Pastor Obum Ani

You have blessed so many lives through your faithful ministry; may you be blessed greatly in return on this special day. All of us in your church family wish you a very happy birthday with many more to come.

Pastor, Scripture says that gray hair is a crown of glory if it be found in righteousness. Inasmuch as your life has demonstrated that righteousness, today is a glorious day for you. Happy birthday and may God bless you.

Behind every successful church is a selfless pastor willing to give himself fully to the flock. Pastor, your ministry has been one of sacrificial love through the years. Thank you for all you do and happy birthday.

You’ve always been here to help in our time of need. We appreciate your faithfulness and wish you the very best of birthdays. May you have many more as you continue to serve the Lord in the ministry He has given you.

Birthdays are times of celebration with the ones we love. Pastor, we are honored to be able to celebrate with you on your special day. Thank you for all you do.

On the occasion of your birthday we wanted to tell you how much you mean to our church family. You truly exemplify what it means to serve as a faithful shepherd. May God bless you on your special day.

While it may sometimes seem as though your selfless acts of love go unappreciated, please know they don’t. You are dearly loved by those whom you serve. Pastor, we wish you a wonderful birthday with plenty of blessings from above.

There’s no better way for us to wish you a happy birthday than to offer prayers of thanksgiving to God for placing you in our midst. Pastor, you are truly a blessing to this entire church family. May God bless you on your special day.

Jesus told us there is no greater love than that of a man willing to lay down his life for his friends. Pastor, your life has demonstrated how much you truly love your congregation. We thank you for your dedication and wish you a very happy birthday.

Some look at a birthday as a reminder of one less year to live. Believers see a birthday as being one year closer to eternity. Pastor, you’re one year closer to your heavenly reward. God bless you and happy birthday.

Find Out More About Dominion City and Pastor David O

Before the comments: I want to say Pastor Obum is the reason why this blog exist. There was a time I lost everything then I went to him for help. My intention and mind focus was even if it's just N5,000 he will give me am okay. But God is so wonderful when I got there he gave me more than that. He prayed for me and that day till now my life just changed for the better. Thank you Pastor Obum.. God bless you and Happy birthday sir.


Pastor Edwin: He said he met pastor 11yrs.. ago... Pastor is more like a mentor.. A powerful man of God.. An inspiration and a Father to the church.

Bro Ugochukwu said : He sees pastor obum as a father. He said " He is the main idea to his business, that whatever he is now.. it's all because of Pastor Obum".

Bro Godwin Wife said: .. He is a pastor that wants to help you move to the highest level. He is a blessing to her and also to the church.

Sis Goodness: She said that pastor Obum told her that from now on she is no more a local champion but now an international person.

Pastor Ikenna: He said meeting pastor Obum this year made him felt like as if he knew him for years. Pastor teaching always touch his mind and soul. Not just him but every members of the church.

Our Mummy: She said the first day she saw pastor she already saw him in the dream. She added that pastor always Care's for her, his caring for her made people think if she is actually pastor wife. She finally said when he administer holy Communion to her when she was sick she got healed.

Pastor Samson: He said pastor is a father to him. He said when his father died no man as his alive can make him submit to anyman. Not untill when pastor obum came, pastor Obum is actually a father not just to his children but to his members.

Pastor Kenechukwu: He said 2010 God told him that he has set men that will help him and take him there. Before he knew it he was in Port Harcourt then suddenly Dominion City Church. He added the message pastor Obum preach about the (authority of the believer) he said since that day he knew he was the one. He finally said God is in Dominion City Church.

Birthday Words To Our Pastor From Pastor Kenechukwu Beautiful Wife.

Years ago a great man was born. A man of intergrity and a man of passion.

A man that honors God and a man of uprightness.

We sought for a shepherd, the Lord provided him.

We were in need of a guide and he was here so that we should not walk in darkness.

Our hearts long for a burden bearer at last he was given to us.

We are not orphans we have a father who really cares.

The least is limitless. He is a teacher, a role model a life Coach, a man of prayer, a mentor, a counsellor, our prophet.

A man of multidimensional abilities, our pastor, today we join the host of heaven to celebrate you sir you are a main gift to us.

You are properly packaged delivered to us by God himself.

We love you, we thank God for your life. We celebrate you sir, Happy Birthday To You Sir.

Our Super Special Pastor


  1. Happy Birthday

  2. Happy birthday sir. Proud Dominion City member from Lagos

  3. Happy birthday wish you More blessings in your ministry

  4. DC 4 Lyf..
    Hapi Bdy Sir Obum


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