Dominion City Church. "God Is There" What are you waiting For. Unlock Your Destiny

My name is Ebubechukwu Agu Justine and i have been doing my research for a long time now to find out who is Pastor David Ogbueli. Guess what i got my answer. I now believe that God is really in this man.

Why I went on this research is for me to be sure if am at the right place and I found out am there.. Dominion City - to me and I know it will soon spread to the world. That Dominion City is the best church in the world.(Nigeria).

In a multi-cultural, diverse and highly populated enclave such as Nigeria, it is possible that many influential and rare gems go unnoticed.

When Pentecostal Pastors are the topic in Nigeria, the usual names bandied are that of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome of Christ Embassy, Pastor E.A Adeboye of Redeem Christian Church of God, Bishop David Oyedepo of Living Faith to mention a few.

Some Pastors are more averse to media publicity and fanfare, Pastor David Ogbueli perfectly fits the bill of “front-liners who fly under the radar”.

His teaching and healing ministry which started out as University campus fellowship in Enugu in the 80’s is finally hitting National prominence. Buzz Nigeria brings you few facts about this charismatic preacher.

  • Pastor David Ogbueli was Born on the 28th day of April 1968
  • He hails from the South Eastern State of Anambra
  • Married to Pastor Sarah Ogbueli, whom he met as a fellow undergraduate at the University. They are blessed with four children.

Pastor David Ogbueli Commenced Christian Ministry at the age of 12, pioneering campus fellowships as an undergraduate, the core of which metamorphosed into Dominion City Worldwide

A Graduate of Microbiology from the Prestigious University of Nigeria, Nsuka
He is the Senior Pastor of Dominion City, one of the fastest growing Pentecostal Ministries in Nigeria.

The Church started as a small gathering of nurses in 1996 in a small space at Marcus Garvey street, Enugu before moving to 95 Chime Avenue, Enugu and has spread to over 450 chapters in Nigeria and about 60 more scattered across cities in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Pastor David Ogbueli

He is the Founder of the New Covenant Family Ministries, a Campus focused arm of the Ministry with a presence in most Universities in Southern Nigeria
Pastor David also serves as President of the Dominion Leadership Institute, a training body that seeks to equip Christians for success in their fields of endeavour. Pastor David is also a regular resource person at the Institute for National Transformation (INT)

He has authored hundreds of books, including The Dominion Mandate, Essence of Life, among others
Pastor David Ogbueli hosts the Satellite TV and Radio Programme “Expand Your World” running on various TV and Radio stations across the nation.

He is the host of Dominion City’s Annual Camp Meeting, a three Day Spiritual retreat held during the Easter weekend and attended by delegates from over 4 continents.

President of the Golden Heart Foundation, a Non-Governmental Organization with a focus on youth value re-orientation, leadership education, youth empowerment and entrepreneurial development. The GHF is also responsible for convening the annual National Youth Summit.

David Ogbueli and Dominion City

The Dominion City church, sometimes known as the New Covenant Family (NCF) actually began in 1996. It has grown steadily since then and is now one of the most established and well-known ministries in Nigeria. It currently has 40 city churches (including in Enugu, Lagos and Abuja) and campus churches and fellowships spread all over Nigeria with healthy membership numbers and over 70 Pastors serving under the vision of the Dominion City church.

According to Pastor David Ogbueli, the vision of the Dominion City Church is to preach the total gospel of Jesus Christ. The vision began from an apartment in New Haven, Enugu and its success is certainly a marvel to the Christian community. The ministry has a mission arm called the Global Mission Network. The Global Mission Network has made a name for itself by philanthropic gestures done towards the less privileged in the society.

The Dominion City church has combined the goal of winning countless souls for Christ with a quest to empower members of the society. The church seems ever ready with a helping hand, making human empowerment one of its key watchwords.

In 2015, the Dominion City Church Enugu headquarters conducted a free medical outreach which stormed Akpuoga Nike Emene, in Enugu East Council Area of Enugu state during which they had routine free medical exercise, and treated dozens of members of the poor and neglected community of different diseases and ailments. The exercise was carried out in partnership with Abiding Fruits maternity and clinic, being operated under the federal government YOUWIN programme.

Dominion City In Port Harcourt

Location: Nvuigwe 

This Branch in port Harcourt .. Honestly has changed lives.
I personally want to thank 3 Men of God




God will bless them cause they are wonderful.
Yes, am a proud member of dominion city forever there because the spirit of the lord is there..

I have other websites but its specifically for health but this particular site I say let me use it to thank these great people of God I love them so much.

I also want to use this opportunity to welcome you all to dominion city church, there is a particular program going on now and its called Men's Convention 2018

Dont miss it.. My friends from united kingdom, the pastor at Kentucky in USA, and other great men and women of God you are all welcome to this convention it is really touching.. Its here in Port Harcourt Nigeria. Dominion City

Contact me via Email =

For more information and more directions

Dominion City Mandate 

Financial Integrity

He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much. If therefore ye have not been faithful in the unrighteous mammon, who will commit to your trust the true riches? And if ye have not been faithful in that which is another man’s, who shall give you that which is your own?- (Luke 16:10-12)

Honesty and strong moral principles (which summarizes “integrity”) should not just be an expectation in the life of a believer but a virtue which we must daily exemplify as worthy ambassadors of the kingdom. Unfortunately, like in most people of the world, financial integrity now mostly exists in its shadows amongst many Christians.

From the above referenced scripture, our Lord Jesus Christ enjoins His children to be faithful in their dealings with money and material possessions of this world. Are you faithful in tithing? How faithful are you in the management of another person’s property under your care? How truthfully do you relate with your spouse on the family finance? How accurate is the financial report you submit to your employer for money disbursed to undertake a given task? As an employer, do you shortchange or deliberately delay payment of the earnings of your employees all in the bid to amassing more wealth? As a businessman, do you use unjust weight? God abhors this (Proverbs 11:1).

It is our faithfulness/honesty in the little responsibilities God has placed under our charge that qualifies us for greater responsibilities and glory. God sees behind and beyond appearances. You must first ensure self-honesty (where no one sees you) before you can demonstrate same on the outside (where everybody sees you).

The New Living Translation puts verse 11 of the above scripture thus: “And if you are untrustworthy about worldly wealth, who will trust you with the true riches of heaven?”. A heavenly-minded Christian must exhibit a sound character trait of financial integrity in his dealings with fellow men and God- otherwise, his journey to heaven cannot be guaranteed.

Integrity is a virtue everyone is looking for in someone to hire, do business with or entrust with the management of their affairs. All said and done, are you a man of financial integrity? Ponder!


Take stock of how you have been unfaithful and dishonest in financial matters/material possessions. Ask God for mercy and make the required restitutions where possible and ask for grace to become a faithful financial steward.


Ask the Lord for grace to exhibit the Godly character which has been divinely imputed when we received the Holy Spirit. That your life and character shall be pleasing to God and to draw men to God.


  1. Bless you brother is it happening in lagos


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