100 Bible Verses That Will Make You Succeed With Your Word. (From Dominion City Nvuigwe PH Nig).

Do you want to succeed in life. Do you know that you can succeed in life with your word.. Every word that comes out from your mouth is life. With your mouth you can create and with your mouth you can destroy to create with your mouth don't speak negative things about your life but speak positive things about your life. God created this world from his mouth he said let there be light and there was light with just his mouth his word alone are power so he created us in his image and likeness and so we have the same mouth that God has so speak positive things about your life.
Always speak the positive and never the negative.

100 verses in the Bible that will make you succeed. 

Speak all this words everyday and you will see change in your life (From Dominion City Nvuigwe)

Pastor Obum

1. Gen 12:2 God has blessed me abundantly and I am a blessing.
2. Gen39:3 The Lord makes all that I do prosper in my hand.
3. Gen 39:23 Because the Lord is with me, all that I do prospers greatly.
4. Num 14:8 The Lord delights in me, he has brought me into a land that flows with milk and honey.
5. Deut 2:7 For the Lord my God has blessed me greatly in all the works of my hand.

6. Deut 7:9 God is faithful; he keeps his covenant and mercy to them that love him.
7. Deut 7:13 God loves me, blesses me and multiplies me abundantly.
8. Deut 7:14 I am blessed above all people.
9. Deut 8:6-9 God has brought me into a good abundant land, I eat without scarceness and do not lack any
good thing.
10. Deut 8:18 God has given me the power to get wealth so his covenant is established.
11. Deut 12:7 I rejoice in all I put my hand to because God has blessed me greatly.
12. Deut 15:6 For God has blessed me as he promised and I will lend to many and not borrow.
13. Deut 26:9 God has brought me into this place, he has given me this land that flows abundantly with milk
and honey.
14. Deut 28:2 All the blessings of Abraham have come on me in abundance and overtaken me.

15. Deut 28:3-6 I am blessed in the city and in my field, blessed are my children and the fruit of my ground,
cattle and sheep. Blessed are my checking and savings accounts, I am blessed when I rise and when I sleep. I
am blessed when I come in and when I go out.
16. Deut 28:8 The Lord has commanded the blessing on me and my storehouse and on all I set my hands to
do. He has blessed me abundantly in this land.
17. Deut 28:11 God has made me plentiful in goods, cattle, and the fruit of my body and ground.
18. Deut 28:12 God has opened unto me his good treasure to give rain to my land and bless all the work of my
hand. I will lend and not borrow.
19. Deut 28:13 I am the head and not the tail, I am above and not beneath.
20. Deut 29:9 I keep the words of Gods covenant and I do them, I prosper in all that I do.
21. Deut 30:9 God has made me plenteous in every good work of my hand, in the fruit of my body, cattle and
land, for good and he rejoices over me.
22. Deut 30:15-16 God has set this day before me and I choose life and abundance.

23. Josh 1:7 I am strong and courageous, I turn not to the right or the left, I prosper wherever I go.
24. Josh 1:8 The word makes my way prosperous and makes me abundantly successful.
25. 1 Sam 2:7 The Lord makes me abundantly rich and lifts me up.
26. 1 Kin 2:3 I keep the word and I prosper in all I do.
27. 2 Chron 1:12 Wisdom and knowledge is granted to me and God gives me riches, wealth and honor in
28. 2 Chron 20:20 I believe God’s prophets and I prosper.
29. 2 Chron 26:5 As long as I seek the Lord he makes me prosperous.
30. Job 22:24-25 I lay up gold as dust and have plenty of silver because I have delighted in the Almighty.
31. Job 36:11 I obey and serve God and I spend my days in prosperity and my years in pleasure.
32. Psa 1:1-2 I am blessed because I walk not in the counsel of the ungodly, but I delight in the law of the
33. Psa 1:3 I am like a tree planted by the rivers of water, I bring forth my fruit in season, my leaf does not
wither and everything I do prospers abundantly.
34. Psa 5:12 The Lord blesses me and his favor is around me like a shield.
35. Psa 23:1 The Lord is my shepherd I am not in want, I am walking in abundance.
36. Psa 23:6 Goodness and mercy follow me all the days of my life.
37. Psa 34:10 Because I seek the Lord I do not lack any good thing.
38. Psa 35:27 Let the Lord be magnified who takes pleasure in my abundant prosperity.
39. Psa 37:4 I delight myself in the Lord and he gives me the desires of my heart.
40. Psa 40:4 I am abundantly blessed because I trust in the Lord.
41. Psa 66:12 God has brought me into a wealthy place.
42. Psa 68:19 God daily loads me with his abundant benefits.
43. Psa 84:5 I am blessed because my strength is in the Lord.
44. Psa 84:4 I am blessed because I dwell in the house of the Lord.
45. Psa 85:12 The Lord has given me that which is good and my land yields it’s increase.

46. Psa 105:24 God has increased me mightily and made me stronger than my enemies.
47. Psa 105:37 God has brought me forth with silver and gold.

48. Psa 112:1 I am blessed because I fear the Lord and delight greatly in his commandments.
49. Psa 112:3 Wealth and riches are in my house.
50. Psa 115:13 God blesses them that fear him both small and great.
51. Psa 115:14 The Lord has increased me more and more, me and my children.
52. Psa 116:7 The Lord has dealt bountifully with me.
53. Psa 118:25 Thank you Lord for sending prosperity now.
54. Psa 119:2 I am blessed because I keep his testimonies and seek him with my whole heart.
55. Psa 122:7 Peace is within my walls and prosperity in my home.
56. Psa 128:1 I am blessed because I fear the Lord and walk in his ways.
57. Psa 128:2 I eat the labor of my hands and it is well with me and I am happy.
58. Prov 3:9-10 I honor the Lord with my substance and first fruits of my increase, my barns are filled with
plenty and my vats are bursting forth with new wine.
59. Prov 3:33 God blesses my habitation.
60. Prov 8:21 God causes me to inherit substance and he fills my treasure.
61. Prov 10:22 The blessing of the Lord makes me rich and he adds no sorrow with it.
62. Prov 10:4 The hand of the diligent maketh rich.
63. Prov 10:6-7 Blessings are upon my head and my memory is blessed.
64. Prov 11:16 A gracious woman retains her honor and strong men retain riches.
65. Prov 11:25 I am generous and I prosper, I refresh others and I myself am refreshed.
66. Prov 13:11 He that gathers by labor shall increase.
67. Prov 13:22 The wealth of the sinner is laid up for me and it is coming to me now in overflowing proportions.
68. Prov 15:6 In my house is much treasure because I am in right standing with God.
69. Prov 16:3 I commit my works to the Lord and my thoughts are established.
70. Prov 24:3-4 Through wisdom my house is built and by understanding it is established and by knowledge
the chambers are filled with all good and pleasant riches.
71. Prov 28:20 I am faithful and I abound with blessings.
72. Prov 28:25 I put my trust in the Lord and I am blessed and enriched.
73. Isa 1:19 I am willing and obedient and I eat the good of the land.
74. Isa 45:2 God goes before me and gives me the treasures of darkness and the hidden riches in secret

75. Isa 48:17 The Lord teaches me to profit and leads me in the way I should go.
76. Isa 61:6 I eat the wealth of the nations and the glory of my captors is now mine.
77. Isa 61:7 Instead of shame I have a 2-fold recompense. I rejoice in my portion and in my land I possess the
double. Everlasting joy is mine.
78. Jer 29:11 God has prospered me and given me hope and a future.
79. Ezek 27:33 God has enriches me with a multitude of his riches and his merchandise.
80. Zech 8:12 For my seed is prosperous and my vine gives her fruit, my ground her increase, the heaven her
dew and God causes me to possess all these things.
81. Zech 14:14 The wealth of the heathen is gathered together in abundance for me, gold, silver and apparel in
great abundance.
82. Mal 3:10 God has opened the windows of heaven above me and is pouring out a continuous blessing upon
me so I am overflowing with abundance.
83. Mal 3:12 All the nations of the land call me blessed.
84. Matt 6:11 God has given me this day my daily bread, He leads me beside still waters and restores my soul.
85. Luke 2:52 I am increasing in wisdom and favor with God and man.
86. Luke 6:38 I have given and it is given unto me, good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and
running over do men give into my bosom. For with the same measure I give it is given back to me in
overflowing abundance.
87. John 10:10 Jesus came that I have life and have it more abundantly.
88. Act 4:34 There are none around me that lack any good thing.
89. Rom 13:8 I owe no man nothing but to love him.
90. 2 Cor 9:6 I sow bountifully and I reap bountifully.

91. 2 Cor 9:8 God has made all grace abound toward me so that I having all sufficiency in all things do abound
to every good work.
92. 2 Cor 9:11 I have been made rich in every way so that I can be generous on every occasion and through
this God gets the glory.
93. Gal 3:14 The blessings of Abraham have come on me through Jesus.
94. Gal 6:7 I will not be deceived, God is not mocked for whatsoever I sow I also reap, for in due season I reap
and I faint not.
95. Eph 3:20 Now unto him who is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think, according to
the power that works in me.
96. Phil 4:19 My God supplies all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
97. 1 Tim 6:17 I will not be high-minded, or trust in uncertain riches, but in God who gives me all things to
98. 1 Tim 6:18 I am rich in good works, ready to distribute and willing to share.
99. Jam 1:17 Every good and perfect gift I receive comes from my Father in heaven.
100. 3 John 1:2 I prosper and am in health even as my soul prospers.
